关于未知量是否可看作随机变量 在经典学派与贝叶斯学派 间争论了很长时间,后来这一观点渐渐被经典学派认同。
总体分布以及样本分布都依赖于先验分布,因而将先验信息加入后的样本与的条件分布(the joint conditional pdf of, given =,)变成了:
Then the marginal pdf of is:
基于总体和样本信息,对未知参数的分布做出推断(后验分布posterior pdf,the conditional pdf of):
因为条件概率函数的积分值为 1,且分母与,所以后验分布的分布类型只与分子相关,写作:
decision theory
Statistical decision theory is concerned with the making of decisions in the presence of statistical knowledge.
- We assume that the true state of system full of uncertainties can be considered to be numerical quantitiles, denoted by in the Parameter Space.
- At the same time, we need define a action in the Action Space.
A key element of decision theory is the specifying the loss of an action given a state of nature, so a loss function is defined.
Note: Considering the uncertainties about the true state of system(bayes view) or unknowability about the Population(Frequenist view), we tend to define Risk functions as the expectations of loss functions in different distributions.
point estimation
Mainly based on the Introduction to mathematical statistics Robert V. Hogg, Late Professor of Statistics,University of Iowa, Joseph W. McKean, Western Michigan University, Allen T. Craig,Late Professor of Statistics, University of Iowa
Frome the view of statistical decision theory, performing point estimation is equal to selecting a decision function, which is a sample function for Frequenists.
From the Bayesian viewpoint, performing point estimation is equal to selecting a decision function, is a predicted value of (an experimental value of the random variable). We just need a Loss function to help us.
Frequenist Risk
Considering that the loss fuction will change with the distribution of the Population. We need to caculate the expectation of Loss function on the Population to evaluate a decision function, that is Frequenist Risk.
Assume that we use the strategy of minimizing the expected loss:
In most cases, we can’t find a “ideal” decision function meeting the above equation, considenring the unknown parameter of, so we need to define decision principles to help us make decisions. A most common decision principle is minimax principle, we define the minimax decision function as below:
In another word, a decision function is a minimax decision function if it minimizes the maximum risk over all possible values of.
Bayes Expected Loss
In the Bayesian view, the has its own distribution, so we can get the expected loss of a decision function:
We call this Bayes Expected Loss. We call an action a Bayes action if it minimizes the Bayes expected loss.
For a no-data problem,
Bayes Risk
From the view of Bayesian, we can get the expectation of Risk function on the prior distribution of:
We call this Bayes Risk, and we will get a Bayes Rule if we minimize the Bayes Risk.
if, then
Generalize this to estimate a specified function of, say,,we can get the Bayesian estimator of: